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Oct 27th, 2013 Two New Canadian Champions!

Almendares Paloma (Poland)
Island Dog Show
Allan Brown
Anna Szczepaniak
Owner: Elizabeth Obrecht
Sept 29th, 2013 Name: Almendares Pepito (Poland)
United Kennel Club
Rene Echevaria-Cofino
Anna Szczepaniak
Owner: Elizabeth Obrecht
Oct 25th, 2013 Ch. Rockhurst Rock On won Select Female at the Regional Specialty held in Abbotsford BC on Oct 25th, 2013. This is her first show since the National Specialty in Halifax NS where she won BOW and completed her Canadian Championship. These are her first points towards her Grand Championship.
August 31st, 2013 9th Canadian National Havanses Specialty

Rockhurst Rock On
aka Francesca

     - Best Of Winners

     - Breeder/Owner: Elizabeth Obrecht
August 31st, 2013 Baribal's Lara (daughter to Baribal's Usara) RWF
at the National
Havanese Specialty

     - Breeder: Angelika Zimmer
     - Owner: Pat Johnson
     - Handler: Shirley
August 31st, 2013 9th Canadian National Havanses Specialty

Almendares Pepito (Poland)
aka Pepito

- Reserve Winners Dog
     - Breeder: Anna Szczepaniak
     - Owner: Elizabeth Orbecht
August 31st, 2013 Puppy Sweepstakes at the 9th Canadian National Havanses Specialty

Rockhurst's Rockin Bythecreek
aka Rocky

    - Best Of Opposite

    - Judge: Belle Narris
    - Breeder: Elizabeth Obrecht
    - Owners: Pat Johnson & Elizabeth Obrecht
August 31st - Sept 2nd, 2013 All Breed Shows

Rockhursts Superman Bythecreek
aka Clark

     - First in Class 12-18 months
- Breeder: Elizabeth Obrecht
     - Owners: Pat Johnson & Elizabeth Obrecht
August 31st - Sept 2nd, 2013 Pepito & Paloma at the Halifax Show All Breed Shows

Almendares Paloma (Poland)
aka Paloma

     - Reserve Winners Bitch
Judge: Ainslie Mills
- Breeder: Anna Szczpaniak
     - Owner: Elizabeth Obrecht
August 31st - Sept 2nd, 2013 Pepito & Paloma at the Halifax Show All Breed Shows

Almendares Pepito (Poland)
aka Pepito

     - Reserve Winners Dog
Judge: Marion Postgate & Ainslie Mills
- Breeder: Anna Szczpaniak
     - Owner: Elizabeth Obrecht
August 31st - Sept 2nd, 2013 All Breed Shows

Almendares Pepito (Poland)
aka Pepito

     - Best Puppy in Breed
Judge: Marion Postgate & Ainslie Mills
- Breeder: Anna Szczpaniak
     - Owner: Elizabeth Obrecht
August 31st - Sept 2nd, 2013 All Breed Shows

Rockhurst's Lalapaluluza
aka Lulu

     - Best of Opposite
Judge: Marion Postgate & Ainslie Mills


- Judge: Robert Rowbotham
     - Breeder/Owner: Elizabeth Obrecht
August 31st - Sept 2nd, 2013 All Breed Shows

Rockhurst's Rockin Bythecreek
aka Rocky

     - Best Puppy in Breed
Judge: Robert Rowbotham
- Breeder: Elizabeth Obrecht
     - Owners: Pat Johnson & Elizabeth Obrecht
August 8-11th, 2013 U.S. Regional & National Specialty Results Chicago

Rockhurst's Rockin' Bythecreek aka "Rocky"

     - 1st place finish in his class 9-12 Dogs Regional Specialty under AKC Judge, Betsy Dale
August 8-11th, 2013 Rockhurst's Superman Bythcreek aka "Clark"

     - 2nd place finish in his class in both the Regional and National Specialty under Judges Betsy Dale & Dr. Robert Smith

Owned by Pat Johnson and Elizabeth Obrecht

June 28th, 2013 Rockhurst's California Star, aka "Champ", won BOW and Best Puppy in Show at the Havanese Regional Specialty of Southern California today. He was handled by co-owner Candace Rizkowsky. We are very proud of them both!
June 14th -16th, 2013 Rockhurst Superman Bythecreek, aka "Clark", took BOW at all three shows at the Traverse City showin Michigan, for a total of 11 points. This was his first U.S. show! Huge congratulations to Pat Johnson co-owner and her friend Shirley who handles him superbly.
May 2013 1st Show for Pepito & Paloma

May 2013 Paloma takes BOW in Baby Puppy Class
March 30th - 2013 New Champion: Ch. Rockhurst's Lalapaluluza
photos by Walt Norris

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