News Flash!!
As of Aug 10th 2024 all updates to this website have been
suspended due to technical difficulties. In the meantime please
enjoy the website and contact me for any information about
future litters at bethobrecht@sympatico.ca.
Thank you for visiting!
Beth Obrecht
(Contact me for details:


Happy Canada Day!

Formal and Candid photos from the Havanese Club of
America’s 2016 Regional and National Specialty Shows Held in

I was awarded the assignation of
Master Breeder by the CKC. This represents a
minimum of 20 years hard work in and outside of the ring. I am
very pleased to have achieved this level of accreditation.
Elizabeth (beth) Obrecht

Allison and
Smile are smiling after
Best Opposite at the Westminster Dog Show!

Contact us at:
bethobrecht@sympatico.ca |

Based in a small village in the National Capital Region,
Rockhurst Havanese has brought together breedlines from Canada,
the United States, Hungary, the Netherlands, Poland and Germany
to produce happy, friendly, good-looking dogs that have excelled
in shows in Canada and the US and have brought joy to families
throughout North America.

After 3 years of research and with a good deal of trepidation I
received my first Havanese, Libby, in 2001. For 10 years
previous I had been breeding Golden Retrievers but I realized
that as I was aging I needed a smaller Breed. The trick was to
find a breed that suited all my needs. I really wanted a Golden
in a smaller package.
I like to x-country ski in the winter with my dogs and in the
summer hike through the Gatineau Park. The other criteria which
was essential, was “no yapping" and good with children as I have
10 grandchildren. Libby met all these expectations and then
some. The Goldens loved her and she them.
My husband later admitted that the Havanese are the best dogs we
have ever had! I was hooked and it was not long before I was
expanding. I am now fully retired and devoted to my dogs and my
breeding program.
I was a founding member of the Canadian National Breed Club in
2001 and Quebec Director for 8 years. In an effort to support
and promote our breed I have always entered at least one dog in
Club sponsored Boosters and to date have attended all the
National and many of the Regional Specialties both here in
Canada and in the U.S.A.
In 2011 I was honoured to have been asked to judge the Puppy
Sweepstakes at the Regional Specialty held in Markham ON Aug
28th. In 2014 I was honoured to judge Puppy Sweepstakes at the
Ottawa Kennel Club’s all breed show in May.
Most recently I was asked by the Havanese Club of America (HCA),
to be one of 3 judges in the Owner Handler Challenge at the
National Specialty held in Chicago, Aug 15-16th. This was a real
honour for me also.
Every year I try to host a get together in the Fall for all my
local clients and their best buddies. It is always a lot of fun
and keeps me focused on the “why” I do this 24/7! If you are
interested in joining the Rockhurst Havanese family please
contact me by email at: bethobrecht@sympatico.ca, I would be happy to send you further
It’s a Dogs’ Life at ROCKHURST

The Puppy Room

News Bulletin! On July 11th, 2016 I was awarded the assignation of Master
Breeder by the CKC. This represents a minimum of 20 years hard
work in and outside of the ring. I am very pleased to have
achieved this level of accreditation. Elizabeth (beth) Obrecht

Click Here For
Requirements for the designation of CKC Master Breeder
