Contact us at:
bethobrecht@sympatico.ca |

CH. Almendares Pepito (Poland)
Breeder: Anna Szczepaniak
Owner: Elizabeth Obrecht
In the spring of 2013 Pepito traveled from Poland with his
sister, Paloma, to join the Rockhurst gang. He arrived full of
confidence and a predisposition to charm all. He's a gentle
fun-loving boy who immediately fit into life here in spite of
the language barrier. Nothing phases Pepito. At his first show
in Montreal as a "baby puppy" he strutted around the ring like
he owned it. Now that he has his Canadian citizenship (CKC
Certificate of Registration), his health testing successfully
completed, a Canadian Championship, he is ready to sire
offspring. We await his first litter in June 2014. He was bred
to Carmela, CH Rockhurst's Carmelicious. They should be fabulous
"puppies in red"!

OFA Heart

OFA Patella

Wild & Fabulous
