Contact us at:
bethobrecht@sympatico.ca |

CH. Rockhurst’s Tia Maria
(CH. Baribal’s Orsina x BIS BPISS Am/Can CH Rockhurst Miracle
DOB Oct 8th, 2013
Tia is a smaller Havanese at just 8 .5 lbs and standing at 9”.
She is a compact, sturdy little dog and very nicely put
together. She has an air of authority in spite of her size and a
presence and intelligence that ensures she is not overlooked.
Much like her mother (Teagan), she insists people earn her trust
and affection. Her independent nature and spritely spirit bode
her well in the show ring. A beautiful girl with her father’s
(Miracle) exquisite eyes and gentle bearing, we look forward to
breeding her in the spring of 2016. Tia is sister and littermate
to Karma (see Retired Females). Both are darling!


OFA Eyes

Sisters: Karma & Tia with Xmas Bows 2014

