Contact us at:
bethobrecht@sympatico.ca |

Photo Credit Steve Surfman
Am/Can CH. Rockhurst’s Smile
(CH.Baribal’s Orsina “Teagan x Am/Can CH Rockhurst’s Kismet at
dob: April 7th, 2013
Smile is a delight! She loves being the centre of attention and
is always full of fun!
The first of my Teagan girls she is a treasure with a beautiful
rich red and white
coat. She stands at 9” and weighs 9 lbs. Light on her feet and
very agile she is everything one wants to see in a Havanese. We
look forward to breeding Smile in 2016.

OFA Heart

OFA Eyes

Smile at her 1st US National Specialty as Baby Puppy

“Smile" Top Show Dog Award for 2015
Smile at Westminster 2016

Smile at her next US Specialty the following year
Wins AOM at Regionals under Judge Robert Hutton

At The Nationals Smile wins AOM under Judge Joanne Paulk
