Contact us at:
bethobrecht@sympatico.ca |

Am/Can GCH Rockhurst Knockout
DOB: April 11 th , 2014
Parents: Lulu, GCH Rockhurst’s Lalapaluluza & Jack, Am/Can CH
Rockhurst’s Kismet At Cinnabar
Bridget is a dream dog come true! From the very beginning I knew
she was special.
She’s also the sweetest, most cuddly little dog imaginable. She
had a stunning show career beginning at the Westminster
Specialties in February 2015 where she won
Best Puppy at the Greater New York Havanese Specialty. From
there she went on to
become an American Grand Champion followed by winning Best of
Opposite, and
Best in Puppy Sweepstakes at the US National Havanese Specialty
in 2015. She
finished her Canadian Grand Championship and was sitting at #2
Havanese in
Canada when it was decided to bring her home to breed. Her first
litter, sired by
Rufus, GCH Rockhurst Rockabilly, is due August 2016. The dream
continues with the
promise of her little ones!


CKC Grand Champion

AKC Grand Champion

OFA Eyes

OFA Heart

OFA Patellia

