Contact us at:
bethobrecht@sympatico.ca |

CH. Rockhurst’s Cracker Jack
Jackie’s most telling feature is her very sweet expression and
disposition. But don’t
let that fool you. She has a good sense of self and her place in
the world! Although
not naturally drawn to the hustle and bustle of the show world,
she soon adapted
and did us all proud at shows both here and in the US. She is a
homebody at heart
and likes nothing better than curling up in her donut bed by me
in the study or on
the wingback chair by the fire. She is “pretty as a picture” as
the saying goes and is
now all set to enjoy motherhood and ensure all those good genes
she’s carrying are
passed on to the next generation. Her first litter is expected
in December 2020.

Championship Certificate

OFA Patellar

OFA Heart

Jackie as a Puppy

Jackie as a Young Adult

Jackie as a Show Girl!

American National Havanese Specialty
Las Vegas
